Sunday, January 3, 2016


Remember each day how lucky I am, all of the good things I have or happened to me.

Periodically,  update the list ( it may take hours)

4 kids who love me
Ian's recovery from Cancer
Kids - independent, drug free, fairly happy
relative wealth; don't have to work

work accomplishments @ Exxon, Manti & TAT
relative good health despite bad habits
women in my life
Jae: faithfully loved me

my interests: Electronics, History, Flying, Cooking
brains: ability to learn challenging ideas; electronics
Flying: learned early 50's . never too late; good example for kids
travel; have seen good bit of the world - want more

Fraser: mixed relationship but overall positive
Z 8:  a special car
Lakehouse -> Collier transition: painful but has relieved huge burden; mentally & financially
Cala Mia: gives me another Purpose


I created this Blog to capture Lessons to guide me and my kids.